Coaching is the key to success


Personal performance and achieving success

Understanding self and others in order to improve performance and work effectiveness. After obtaining an objective view of personality and preferred behavioural style, we work to identify the personality traits that complement our work and those that may conflict and hinder our work.

We then identify the most appropriate activities which will improve managerial competencies in areas of leadership, communication, interpersonal, analysis and decision making, initiative and effort, planning and organising.

The development activities are built around ensuring job satisfaction and motivation. We finish by planning for action.

Achieving work/life balance and managing stress

The focus here is on working smarter not harder and improving the quality of life. We review the three dimensions of occupational adjustment – occupational role, personal strain and personal resources. We then look at strategies for ensuring that personal resources are strengthened.

Leadership Development and Managerial excellence

Our Leadership Development Program delivers very powerful results.

Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, we pin-point natural behavioural style, and then match this to the results of a 360 degree assessment.

From this, we identify which skills are being used and which are being avoided – we also know why this is, and this allows us to build a realistic development plan to address the findings. We work to strengthen positive behaviours, eliminate negative ones and bring forward hidden ones.

Building teams to improve organisational cohesion and productivity

Good teamwork gives a company improved results and a competitive edge. After all, in effective teamwork, one plus one can generate a lot more power than two.

In our program we facilitate a structured process through which team members can identify, improve and apply the skills necessary for successful teamwork.

Career Review

Using the Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory, we offer a half day career check-up workshop. We identify influences or problems for consideration or resolution. The results and workshop are thought provoking and possibly even change inducing. They are normally held one on one, and suitable for senior people.

Give a man a fish, and feed him today.
Teach him how to fish
and feed him for the rest of his life.

Our workshops actively involve all participants so that when they leave, they have a plan or tools in place to address their challenges.

The workshop is reinforced if it is followed with a coaching plan, to ensure that changes are being made, and that the new skills and behaviours are being applied.

All workshops can be tailored to your specific needs.

Achieving Acumen Workshops